Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Theory of Knowledge: Emotion

What is the relationship between reason as a way of knowing and logic in its different forms (inductive, deductive)? Is it possible and worthwhile to "translate" everyday arguments into formal logical structure, and what might be lost in the translation? How does the commonsense use of "it's logical", meaning "it makes sense to me", difference from its technical meaning of "it has a valid argument form"?
The relationship shared between the way of knowing of reason and logic, both inductive and deductive is that logic by dictionary definition: the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference. The word reliable within the dictionary definition refers to how reason will be used in conjunction with logic, as it is required for reasoning to be used to determine whether the inference that is created is reliable or not. Both inductive and deductive logic also require the processes of reasoning as whether the statement is being changed from general to specific, or the opposite, the speaker must know what is being changed, and either the generalized or specific term or phrase for the ‘end product’.
It would be possible to try and translate the everyday arguments which we undergo, and it maybe only worthwhile if the argument becomes to complex to the point where people dont understand what is meant by those having the argument and the point of the argument taking place. But with this translation of the argument taking place, a few of crucial points maybe taken out to clarify the meaning of the argument and thus it could ruin the argument in its whole.
The statement ‘it’s logical’ is confused with the real meaning and another meaning, which we have made up. This statement of having a valid argument and making sense are not too far off; as having a valid argument does make sense; this mistake is also caused how logic is linked with reasoning, and how if something makes sense it requires the use of reasoning to create a more logical argument. Thus with the use of reasoning within logic, people often mistake the meaning of ‘it’s logical’ meaning that something makes sense instead of having a valid argument form.

1 komentar:

  1. I don't think you really addressed the question here. It is hard to follow the logic in your response, which is a bit ironic.
